James, Dean: Faked to Death
The second installment in author Dean James' charming series of vampire cozies finds undead amateur sleuth Simon Kirby-Jones at a writers' conference hosted by local aristocrat Lady Hermione Kinsale. Simon's host and the clutch of other writers at the conference know him as the author of two highly respected biographies, but Simon also publishes novels pseudonymously, including a bestselling series of mysteries under the name Dorinda Darlington. The fun starts when a woman claiming to be Dorinda shows up at the conference and sets about infuriating her "colleagues." A corpse or two later, Simon is back to putting his vampiric attributes--acute hearing, the ability to sense when people are lying--to good use, helping the local constabulary solve a double murder.
Perhaps perversely, I'm hoping Simon will forget his medication one day: I'd like to see how the polite society of Snupperton Mumsley would react should Simon start showing his fangs. I'm also hoping Dean Jones will continue chronicling Simon's exploits for a long time to come.