Gerritsen, Tess: Ice Cold
Ice Cold is the latest installment in Tess Gerritsen's series featuring medical examiner Maura Isles and homicide detective Jane Rizzoli. This time out, Maura is off to a medical conference in Wymoing. An impulsive change of plan has her taking a road trip with an old acquaintance and his friends, but a series of unfortunate circumstances puts their lives in danger--a snow storm, a wrong turn. Their SUV gets stuck in a ditch in the middle of nowhere, and the only shelter around is a ghost town, Kingdom Come, whose inhabitants apparently fled in the middle of eating dinner. Things get worse from there. It takes very little for their jaunt to turn into a nightmare, only a few moments to make a happy-go-lucky character beg his friends to kill him: one's life really can turn on a dime.
The first half of Ice Cold, before its various mysteries begin to be resolved, is a scary, gripping read, and I had a hard time putting the book down (and turning off the lights) in the midst of it. When the answers start coming the book continues to surprise: what happened at Kingdom Come isn't what we might expect.
Once again after finishing one of Tess Gerritsen's novels I find myself wondering why I haven't read all of the books in her Rizzoli and Isles series by now, start to finish. But this time I did something about it: immediately after finishing Ice Cold I downloaded the first book in the series, The Surgeon, to my Kindle.