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Debra Hamel is the author of a number of books about ancient Greece. She writes and blogs from her subterranean lair in North Haven, CT. Read more.

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Updated 1-24-25
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Maberry, Jonathan: Dead of Night


4 stars

Desdemona Fox is a hard-as-nails small-town cop whose military experience--she saw active duty in Afghanistan--comes in handy during a zombie apocalypse. Dez and her father-figure partner J.T. are the first on the scene at ground zero, a funeral home in Stebbins, PA, where a deadly virus claims its first victim: after an encounter with a not-quite-dead corpse, Doc Hartnup is quickly zombified and lurching around infecting others. The pathogen is 100% infectious and spreads through the transmission of body fluids, which primarily means bites. There's a lot of cannibalistic munching in this book, yet it never becomes a simple gore-fest. One could argue it's actually a love story. Will the embittered Desdemona survive the apocalypse and her own tragic personal history to finally stop rejecting her true love, Regional Satellite News reporter Billy Trout? Readers may be able to predict how that issue will be resolved, but they won't anticipate all the ins and outs of this story. The character of Desdemona is a bit clichéd, but she gets better as the book goes on, and the story winds up being quite entertaining and, I think, original: I'm not an expert on zombie literature, but I suspect the back story of these particular undead is atypical.



Thanks for the review...glad you enjoyed DEAD OF NIGHT!


Thanks for stopping by, Jonathan!

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