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About the blogger:
Debra Hamel is the author of a number of books about ancient Greece. She writes and blogs from her subterranean lair in North Haven, CT. Read more.

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Updated 1-24-25
[Reviews are longer and have ratings. Notices do not have ratings.]

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Book Notices | Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb

Lori Gottlieb, Maybe You Should Talk to Someone


Lori Gottlieb is a therapist and columnist, and I guess a podcaster too, though I haven't listened to her podcast yet. She has a background in writing, which may go some way toward explaining why this memoir is so very good. In it, she weaves together stories about her therapy clients (disguised versions thereof) with an account of her own struggles, principally the breakup that led her to seek therapy herself. So it's a book about a therapist giving and getting therapy and about the process of therapy itself, and it's fascinating and well written and heartwarming and heartbreaking and informative. It's a cliché to say that one didn't want a book to end, but I found myself thinking as I was reading that if this one somehow had an infinite number of pages, I would happily keep reading indefinitely.


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